midwiferymedicine@gmail.com| call: (510) 815-9346
Skilled medical care & intuitive guidance for a healthy pregnancy, empowered home birth, & nourished postpartum.
Homebirth Services:
* medical labs & testing, as needed
* 1-hr prenatal visits (monthly/weekly)
* nutritional counseling
* pelvic floor instruction
* unlimited phone & email consultation
* birth/delivery
* partner support & guidance
* midwifery team
* local referrals & recommendations
In the countries with the best pregnancy outcomes, midwives are the primary providers of care to
pregnant women.
Skilled medical care for mama/baby unit. Includes breastfeeding expertise, postpartum healing, weight gain, sleeping & bonding, natural healing.
- Day 1: breastfeeding & healing
- Day 5- 7: herbal sitz bath
- Week 2: growth & mindfulness
- Week 4: pelvic floor instruction
- Week 6: herbal bath & bone closing
- unlimited phone & texting support
Induction of labor (only with oxytocin or prostaglandins) 2.1% 21%
Stimulation of labor (only with oxytocin) 2.7% 18.9%
Electronic fetal monitoring 9.6% 84.3%
Episiotomy 2.1% 33%
Vacuum Extraction 0.6% 5.5%
Cesarean Section 3.7% 19%
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife
85% of the neural pathways relating to how we respond and interpret the world are formed in the earliest years of our development. Sensitive caregiving, particularly in the first three years, correlates with professional and social success/happiness in later life.
* Cesarean rate
* Use of regional anesthesia
* Labor induction and augmentation
* Infant mortality rates
* Preterm birth
* Costs for both clients and insurers
* Satisfaction with quality of care
* Chances of having a positive start to breastfeeding
"The midwife's most basic task is to promote the mother's relaxation and peace of mind. Beyond her repertoire of medical techniques, her skills encompass less concrete abilities to intuit, evoke, & channel energy "